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How To Find Top Deat Center On Diesel Engine

How to Find Top Deat Center on Diesel Engine

How To Find Top Deat Center On Diesel Engine – Knowing the top deat center on diesel engine is a must do when dismantling the diesel engine in the engine service. Because, if you do not know how to determine the top deat center, we can not perform the adjustment process against other components of diesel engine.

The top deat center position of the diesel engine itself is the position of combustion in the diesel engine. In the step of generating such power, a diesel engine must be at the top deat center position. Because, if the machine is not in the top deat center position, then the machine can not be turned on.

Knowing the top deat center diesel position, is also done when it will adjust the diesel engine valve. By determining the top deat center position, we can measure the distance of the diesel engine. So, we will also be easier to do the valve adjustment.

To be able to know the top deat center position of the diesel engine, we can do some ways that can be done. And the following are steps that can be taken to find the top deat center position of the diesel engine. However, be sure to understand the diesel engine parts.

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How To Find Top Deat Center On Diesel Engine

1. Viewing Point 0 On The Flywheel

Each diesel engine must have a part whose name is a flywheel (drum wheel). In that part there are signs or symbols that we can see to determine the top position of the diesel engine. The sign is usually 0 (zero) or stripe.

To determine the top of the diesel engine, spin the flywheel until the 0 mark is in the top position of the wheel. However, for a diesel engine that is aged, usually a sign of 0 is missing. So we can not determine the top diesel position if the mark is gone.

2. See a Solar Spray On The Nozzle

The top diesel position can also be determined by looking at the spray on the nozzle. It is based on the process of combustion of diesel engines in which the nozzle is sure to be blown.

To know the top position of the diesel engine through the spray nozzle, we can remove the nozzle first and installed outside the machine. To see the nozzle perform bursts, spin the diesel engine gently. If the nozzle does the spray, then it is ensured the diesel engine is in the top position of the machine.

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3. See The Distance Of The Valve

How to know the top position of the diesel engine we can do by looking at the spacing of the valve. To see the spacing of the valves on the valve we can dismantle the bonnet cover (head cap).

How to determine the position of the top diesel by looking at the distance of the Cleg is to turn the diesel engine slowly. If you find the valve position is aligned and the valve is at the distance of free play (without pressure), then the diesel engine is in the top position of the machine.

These are some of the ways you, how to find top deat center on a diesel engine. Hopefully this article can be helpful and helpful.

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