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How To Fix The Total Die Electric Drill Machine

How to Fix The Total Die Electric Drill Machine

How To Fix The Total Die Electric Drill Machine – Drill machine is a tool that serves to make holes on the surface of the work fields such as wood and iron. This tool is very practical in helping to solve our job in making holes. Therefore, the maintenance of this electrical drill machine should be noticed to avoid problems that could be happening at any time.

But in fact, even though we have tried to treat these electric drill machines well, sometimes problems arise as well. And the problem that often occurs in this hand drill machine is that the engine suddenly dies at the time of use. And surely the problem will bother us in working.

A drill machine that suddenly dies at the time of use, is actually still recoverable. For those who are experiencing the problem, there is no need to worry and hurry to buy a new drill machine. Because of who know the electric drill machine can still be repaired. And the following is the cause of the die drill machine and a little explanation of how to overcome it.

How To Fix The Total Die Electric Drill Machine

1. Power Cable Disconnect

The first cause is the power cord broke down due to burning. Usually this problem occurs because the quality of the cord is not good so that when the drill machine we turn on, the cable will be fast hot and long-time will burn out.

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To solve this problem is very easy and simple, that is to cut the cable that burned down and reconnect it. Then wrap the cable connection using Isolatip.

2. Broken Switch

The second reason is that the switches on the electric drill are damaged, so the switch is not able to function properly. The function of the switch itself is the connector and breaker of the electrical flow. But if the switch is damaged, the power flow will stop and the drill machine will not be turned on.

To solve this problem, we need to replace the broken switch with the new one. Because the switch on the electric drill machine is usually made from a closed plastic coating that is printed in a sealed and cannot be disassembled.

3. Carbon Brush Runs Out

The third cause is the carbon brush has run out. This depleted Carbon brush is usually due to prolonged use of the electric drill machine. The endless carbon brush is caused by the friction between the rotor collector with the carbon brush itself which is made of soft materials.

If you have a carbon brush depleted, then take the rest of the carbon brush located on the home carbon brush. Then install a new carbon brush that corresponds to the old carbon brush size.

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That’s a slight review of the cause and how to fix the total die electric drill machine. Hopefully useful.

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