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Lathe Components And Their Functions

Lathe Components And Functions

Lathe Components And Their Functions – This post will discuss about the components of lathes machine parts and functions. What are the components of lathe? Please refer to the following description.

Lathe is a tool machine that serves to cut work objects through the rotation process. The cutting is in the form of tanning produced by the lathe and the performance of the components in the lathe.

The function of this lathe is to do scraping of the work object to produce cutting objects, making grooves, making holes, increasing the size of holes, making threads, and making tyres on work objects.

Type Of Lathe

Based on its function, lathes are distinguished into three types, namely manual lathes, semi-automatic lathes, and automatic lathes (CNC).

1. Mini Lathe (Manual)

Mini lathe is a lathe that has small components. The working system of this mini lathe is fully operated manually. This type of lathe, usually used to speed up small work objects.

2. Standard Lathe (Semi Automatic)

Standard lathe is meisn lathe that has ISO standard size. The working system is semi-automatic. Where some components can be operated manually or automatically. However, if you want to set it up automatically, it needs to be set up manually first. Therefore, it is called a semi-automatic lathe.

3. CNC Lathe (Full Automatic)

CNC lathe is short for Computer Numerically Controled. Where to operate this CNC lathe we must make a program first through a computer that is the brain of the automatic movement of the lathe. After we finish making the program, we just put the work object on the lathe component named fixed head. After that, the machine will move automatically until the program on the computer is completed.

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Lathe Components And Their Functions

The components in the lathe basically consist of three main components, namely the drive dynamo, the engine table and the chisel eye seat. Those three components are the ones that collaborate in doing the movement of the formation of work objects. For more details, see the following description.

1. Fixed Head

The head remains a component of the lathe that serves as a work object seat. This fixed head is on the left side of the engine. On this fixed head there is a chuck that serves as a work object clamp. In addition, there are also several engine operation buttons such as speed control, rotation directional, and main switch.

2. Head Off

It is called a detachable head because it can be removed according to its function. However, the main function of this loose head is as a work object restraint flashlight. The position of the flashlight from the loose head is parallel to the fixed head. While the other function of the loose head is as a place to chuck the drill for the drilling process or increase the size of the hole in the work object.

3. Eretan

Eretan is a component of lathe that serves as a place to sit the chisel eye lathe. This eretan can move back and forth or transverse depending on the pulsion process. And on this device is equipped with a wheel player as a measure of how thin or thick the process of tanning.

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4. Table Machine

This machine table is a component that serves as a loose head seat and eretan. This machine table has a very smooth surface and a very high precision size. It aims so that the process of blinding does not occur errors in size. Because if the surface of the machine table is uneven, then the result of bubutan will have problems in its size.

5. Chisel House

This chisel house is located on the eretan. This component serves as a chisel restraint. This chiseled house consists of two kinds. Namely the house of the fixed chisel and the chisel house that can be adjusted the position of the chisel.

Thus the explanation of the lathe components and their functions. Hopefully useful.

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