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How To Install Hand Grinding Disc

How To Install Grinding Disc

How To Install Hand Grinding Disc – Before using grinding machine, the first step to do is to install grinding disc. In addition, we must also know the kinds of grinding disk that will be used for work. Because each job grinds using different kinds of grinding disks.

Grinding machine is a machine used to cut, smooth and form workpieces. There are two types of grinding machines that are often used, namely angel grinder and brench grinder. Well, on this occasion will be discussed the kinds of grinding disks and how to install a grinding disc on a hand grinding machine.

Kinds of Grinding Disc

In hand grinding machines, there are several types of grinding discs with different functions. Well, before using a grinding machine, we must know the type that suits the work. The following are the kinds of grinding discs.

  • Scraping Grinding Disc, is a grinding disk used to erode or sharpen the surface of objects
  • Iron Cut Grinding Disc, is a grinding disk used to cut iron
  • Wood Cut Grinding Disc, is a grinding disk used to cut wood
  • Ceramic Cut Grinding Disc, is a special grinding disc for cutting ceramics
  • Sandpaper Grinding Disk, is a grinding disk used to smooth the surface of objects
  • Wire Brush Grinding Disc, is an iron brush commonly used to remove rust
  • Wall Grinding Disk, is a grinding disk used to destroy the surface of the wall
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Well, after knowing the kinds of grinding disks, the following will be explained how to install the correct grinding disk.

How To Install Hand Grinding Disc

Installation of grinding discs is usually done on new grinding machines. However, this is also done when replacing grinding disks with other types. If we make a replacement, then we must first open the grinding disc from its place, then install it with the desired grinding disc.

Before starting the installation, make sure the grinding machine is not connected to the power source. The goal is to avoid unwanted things. In addition, it is best to read the manual first so as not to confuse recognizing the parts of the grinding machine. And here are the steps to install a grinding disc on a hand grinding machine:

  • The first step is to remove the grinding disc lock flange. If it’s hard, use a special lock for grinding disc openers
  • Attach the grinding disk right to the spacer(place the grinding disk). For ceramic cut grinding discs, there is usually a ring that must be mounted on the spacer so that the grinding disc does not shake
  • If the grinding disc is properly attached, reattach the flange while holding the grinding disc so that its position does not change
  • Tighten the flange with the key to the right or in the direction of the clockwise rotation. To prevent the grinding disc from rotating, press the grinding round holder located behind the grinding head
  • Before turning on the grinding machine, make sure the grinding disc is properly attached and securely locked so that unwanted things do not happen when grinding
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Well, that’s how to install grinding disc on the correct grinding machine, both new installation and when replacing with other kinds of grinding disks. Make sure to always follow the correct instructions so as not to stay safe and avoid accidents while working. Hopefully useful.

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