How To Remove Difficult To Open Grinding Disc – The grinding disc is a cutting tool from a hand grinding machine. This grinding disc has a variety of shapes and functions. To do the work, we can remove and replace the grinding disc according to our desired needs.
How to remove and replace the grinding disc is actually very easy and simple. All we have to do is press the round stoper button located at the top of the grinding machine’s head. Then we use the lock of the grinding disc or the locking flange opener and rotate it to the left or counterclockwise.
However, sometimes the flange locking of the grinding disc is corrosion because it is rarely opened. So the flange becomes difficult for us to let go. If you experience such an incident, do not despair of trying to take it off. Because every problem has a way out.
How To Remove Difficult To Open Grinding Disc
To remove difficult to open grinding disc, we simply prepare the combination wrench and WD-40 liquid. Before we try to remove the crack locking flange that is difficult to open, spray the WD-40 liquid into the flange that is difficult to open earlier. Then wait a few moments while being tapped with a hammer slowly until the liquid seeps.
If the liquid has permeated, pinch the flange using combination wrench and lock firmly. After that, put the hand grinding machine on the floor with an oblique position. To avoid misses, give the base to the hand grinding machine with a rag. After that, hold and hold the hand grinding machine and firmly beat combination wrench.
How, easy isn’t it? That’s how the steps take off and replace the grinding disc that is difficult to open. Hopefully this article can be helpful and useful. thanks.
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