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Angel Grinding Machine Maintenance Service

Angel Gerinder Maintenance Service

Angel Grinding Machine Maintenance Service – In order for the angel grinding machine that we have to last, it needs to be taken maintenance of properly. It aims to avoid damage that occurs in angel grinding machine spare parts. Well the following will be explained how to maintenance on the angel grinding machine.

The easiest maintenance on angel grindeing machines is to follow the procedure of use in the manual. By following the procedure of its use, we will more easily understand how to take care and use the correct grinding machine. In addition, in the manual will also be given repair measures when the grinding machine is damaged.

Well, for those who have not had time to read the manual of use for lost or other reasons, please see the following discussion on how to maintain the correct angel grinding machine according to standard procedures.

Angel Grinding Machine Maintenance Service

1. Give Grease Regularly

In the angel grinding machine, there is a grease chamber located on the head of the grinder. Use in the long term, making grease depleted and resulting in a rapid grinding machine heat. For that, check the grease periodically. If the grease has run out, immediately give grease to taste.

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2. Replace The Carbon Brush Before It Runs Out

Carbon brush is a angel grinding machine part that can be exhausted due to time limitations. If the carbon brush runs out, then the grinding machine cannot be turned on. Well, to avoid damage to the commutator, do a carbon brush replacement before it runs out completely.

3. Not Pressing When Grinding

Many do press at the time of grinding with the reason to speed up the time. However, it turns out that it can accelerate damage to the machine, due to the increasingly heavy rotational load due to compressive power. In addition, pressing the grinding machine at the time of grinding can also endanger the safety of work. Therefore, at the time of grinding you should let the grinding disc rotate following the erosion flow without any emphasis.

4. Cleaning After Using

Splashes of dirt that enter the machine when grinding can cause the grinding machine to break down. Usually the dirt will enter the bearing and place the armature. It certainly resulted in a rapid grinding machine heat and damage. Therefore, clean the angel grinding machine after using it.

5. Save Properly

When you are done using the angel grinding machine, store the grinding machine properly. Remove the grinding disc from place and make sure the position of the power cord is neatly curled and not pinched. Do not place the grinding machine on high ground and fall easily. It is best to keep it in a safe and closed place.

Read More :  How To Remove Difficult To Open Grinding Disc

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