Lawn mowers are machines used to mow small grasses and other plants. Lawn mowers have a variety of types, among which are types of lawn mowers carried and pushed. Based on how it works, lawn mowers are divided into two types, a 2 stroke lawn mower and a 4 stroke lawn mower.
2 stroke lawn mower is a type of lawn mower that is often used. A distinctive feature of the 2 stroke lawn mower is its loud sound. In contrast to a 4 stroke lawnmower whose sound is smoother.
Speaking of lawn mowers, then we have to understand the difference between a 2 stroke lawn mower and a 4 stroke lawn mower. Well, here is an explanation of the difference between a 2 stroke lawn mower and a 4 stroke lawn mower and what are the advantages and disadvantages of both types of lawn mowers.
Differences Between 2 Stroke And 4 Stroke Lawn Mower
A. 2 Stroke Lawn Mower
2 stroke lawn mower is a lawn mower that has a working system of 2 strokes. Therefore this type of lawn mower has a loud sound. The 2 stroke lawn mower has mixed gasoline. It is gasoline mixed with 2 stroke lubricating oil with a certain measure. The measure is usually listed on the fuel tank of the lawn mower.
The advantage of a 2 stroke lawn mower is that it does not use engine oil for lubrication. Engine lubrication in this type of lawn mower comes from a 2 stroke lubricating oil that has been mixed with the fuel. Therefore, we do not need to perform engine oil changes on a 2 stroke lawn mower. But the most important thing is not to forget to mix the fuel with 2 stroke lubricating oil at the time of refueling.
The price of a 2 stroke lawn mower can be said to be relatively cheap, therefore many use it. For the problem of maintenance of a 2 stroke lawn mower is also very easy, simply perform cleaning on the carburetor, air filter and other parts after using it. 2 stroke grass machine parts are also easy to find, so that if damaged, easy to repair.
B. 4 Stroke Lawn Mower
4 stroke lawn mower is a lawn mower that uses a 4 stroke working system. Its distinctive feature is having a smooth voice. The 4 stroke lawn mower has pure gasoline. The use of this type of lawn mower fuel is also very efficient.
The 4 stroke lawn mower uses engine oil as its lubrication system. Therefore, if we have this type of cutting machine, we must often check and perform engine lubricant oil changes so that the engine lasts and avoids damage.
The price of this 4 stroke lawnmower can be said to be quite expensive, but the quality and working system is very good and reliable. For the maintenance of a 4 stroke lawn mower is very simple, simply by performing regular changes in engine lubricating oil.
Such is the information on the differences between 2 stroke lawn mower and a 4 stroke lawn mower. Hopefully useful.
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