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Type And Size Carbon Brush Of Grinder

Type And Size Carbon Brush Grinder

Type And Size Carbon Brush Of Grinder – Article this time will discuss the type of carbon brush hand grinding machine. If we are going to change the carbon brush on the grinding machine, look out for the brand and type of grinding machine, so there is no size error in the carbon brush.

The thing to note when replacing the carbon brush on the hand grinding machine is the type and size. The Carbon brush itself has different types and sizes. These types and sizes depend on each brand of hand grinding machine.

Carbon brushes are solid carbon substances that act as conductors of electrical currents on electrical appliances that have roffs and stators. However, the type of carbon brush on the electrical appliances varies greatly in shape and size.

In general, this type of carbon brush hand grinding machine shaped elongated box. There’s a square and there’s that rectangle. Likewise, with the type of the hook, there are using pear and also some are using a Konek plate.

The hand grinding machine is used continuously, surely gradually the carbon brush will be exhausted. The characteristics of the carbon brush consumables are the hand grinding machine cannot be turned on. So it should replace the carbon brush that runs out with a new one.

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Before replacing the carbon brush grinding machine, we must know the type and size of the carbon brush. And the following are the types and sizes of carbon brushes on the hand grinding machine.

Type And Size Carbon Brush Of Grinder

Hitachi Grinders Carbon Brush (CB 021)

Hand Grinding machine with brand Hitachi has the type and size of carbon brush CB 021. Usually the carbon brush is used in the brand hands of Hitachi hand grinding machine that has the type G 10 SS, G 10 SB1 and PDA 100.

Bosch Grinders Carbon Brush (GWS 6-100 and GWS 7-100)

Hand grinding machine with Bosch brand uses the type and size of carbon brush GWS 6-100 and GWS 7-100. Usually this type of carbon brush has the type of Konekan as its link.

Makita Grinder Carbon Brush (CB 411 and CB 459)

For the brand of machineries Makita and Maktec have similarities in the use of carbon brush is CB 411. Because both brands are manufactured in one factory. Carbon Brush CB 411 is used on engine type grinding 954, N 9500 N, and 9523 NB. As for CB 459 used in MT Type 90, GA 4030, and GA 5030.

Modern Grinder Carbon Brush (CB 51)

In general, hand grinding machine with modern brand has carbon brush with type and size of CB 51. But there are also those who use CB 411 as owned by hand grinding machine and Maktec brand.

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That is the type and size carbon brush of grinder machine that is popular. Hopefully this article can be helpful and helpful.

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